
Listen Up, Twit

If you refuse to Tweet and you're on Facebook you're a fucking idiot.

There's nothing wrong with Twitter. There's a lot wrong with Facebook. But for some reason, the ridiculous moral opposition to Twitter is enough to allow fools nationwide to proudly proclaim their animosity towards the device.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter is a community that works for you as much or as little as you'd like it to. You have complete control over what you post and who (if anyone) reads it.

Facebook is a conglomeration of stupidity vying desperately to become the next Myspace.

But it's good for PHOTOS!!! LOLLLL

Anyone who is morally opposed to Twitter doesn't understand how it works. Anyone proud that they've never tweeted is about as high on their soapbox as a person in the middle ages who was proud for never bathing.

Here are a few things to consider:

1. You can actually talk to celebrities with Twitter. Have something pressing to tell Ashton Kutcher or Rob Corddry? Feel free to send them an @message. Chances are they'll probably read it, and if you're lucky they might even respond.

2. Twitter keeps a track record of your accomplishments. If you're using Twitter right and not just babbling about your new toothpaste selection, you'll have a great little steam-of-consciousness blog that reminds you of everything you've done in retrospect. It may not seem monumental now, but there'll be a time when you're older and sadder when you can look back and laugh at all the things you thought were Tweet-worthy.

3. If you are strongly opposed to technology because you don't understand it, you're basically an iconoclast. Just because you're scared of something doesn't mean it'll end the world. If you really think that anything anybody writes on the internet is capable of that level of massive destruction, you're about as smart as the people who thought rock 'n roll was the devil. If the end of the world happens as a result of Twitter, I'll be happy to draw a pentagram on my chest and sacrifice a virgin goat to the Dark Lord in your honor. Until then, stop hyperbolizing and pretending you're smarter than something you don't understand.

4. Twitter is Fun. The reason it's popular is because it's fun. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. Is it so important to you to sound superior that you have to belittle others just for the sake of argument? Get over yourself. Twitter is more goddamn popular than you'll ever be. So popular that all of Facebook's recent advancements have been made to ape it. And if you don't think Facebook is becoming an overblown unfiltered shitstorm of needless information, then you're too dumb to understand the lovable simplicity of Twitter.

Go post your photos elsewhere. I like your camera, but your artwork sucks.